Thanks to the support and enthusiasm from Social Anthropology and the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge, I'll be screening my film for a class on visual cultural and anthropology, and giving two talks in early November there as part of the China Studies Seminar and the Cambridge University Social Anthropology Society [CUSAS] seminar series.
Details on each of the talks: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 China Research Seminar Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Title: The Festival Crowd: Ethnic Body Politics and Vernacular Media Practices in 'Minority' China Thursday, November 3, 2016 CUSAS Seminar Division of Social Anthropology Title: Designing Development: Spectacle and Power in a Chinese Ethnic Tourism Village Both of these talks are based on field research in Guizhou and ideas I've been working on recently, and I'm really looking forward to discussing them with China studies and anthropology audiences across the university. |
April 2024